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November Sticker Artist - Belle Bee

November Sticker Artist -  Belle Bee

Introducing November 2024 Sticker Artist Belle bee


Tattooing out of Harpoon & Highwater

How long have you been tattooing? Coming up 5 years!

What is your favourite tattoo Style? I have a couple! I really love new school, art nouvea ornate framing style stuff as well! Anime is one I love to tattoo cause it’s so fun, so it makes it hard to pick just one!

What or who got you into tattooing? To cut a long story short, my uncle (@Tu-Moko). I grew up an only child in New Zealand; my parents worked most of the time, so I was always with my uncle. He had tattooed since before I was on the planet, so I spent a lot of my childhood in different studios, travelling with him to Wellington, etc. it had always been one of those 'that's a dream that will never happen'. As I grew older and came to Australia I spent a lot of my spare adult time with him and just being in the studio whilst working full time and eventually got myself an apprenticeship in the studio I was getting tattooed at. So yeah it's always been driven by him and his support for my art in whatever medium it came in.

What is your least favourite part of the body to tattoo and why? Honestly feet! It's such a sensitive area for the client, it sucks for them to heal and also I also have a foot phobia haha!

What’s the biggest mistake people make with their new tattoos? I think many people forget it is an open wound, they'll be a little too comfortable and roll it in pet hair-covered sheets or bake it in the sun. If you want to get the best results for a long-lasting piece, it needs to be kept clean and cared for. Secondly, not putting cream on past the initial heal! After 2 weeks you should still be putting an element of moisture into the piece for at least a month! The top layer of your skin may have healed but the layers underneath can take some time and they still need caring for even if you cant see them!

Favourite Product from The Tattoo Warehouse? 
Irikolor needles hands down!

If you could tattoo anyone in history who would it be ? why? What would you tattoo on them? I couldn't think of a serious answer so I'm going to say I want to tattoo Adam Sandler and I want to tattoo Rob Schneider when he pretends to be Lucy for the memory video in '50 First Dates' - Or a new school crocodile on Steve Irwin.



Go and check out Belle's amazing work at:
Drop her a follow and a few likes!!!